Kirklees father finds long-lost daughter after post on local Facebook group

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“It was very much like a miracle that had happened… and I don’t believe in miracles… but we got one”.

A woman from Lincolnshire has been reunited with her father in Kirklees after spending 58 years apart.

A Dewsbury Facebook community group has helped to reunite a family after spending half a decade apart.

Julie Lund hadn’t seen her father since the age of one, but after losing her mum and step-dad earlier this year, she sought help to track down her biological father.

The fifty-nine-year-old was “blown away” by the responses from the local community and was led to her long-lost father.

Announcing their first meeting in 58 years on Facebook, Julie said:

“What a fantastic day today was! Meeting my Dad for the first time since I was a baby…Thank you so much to all the lovely folk of Dewsbury especially Bob Whiteside for his amazing detective work.

She added “I’ve waited so long for this day and couldn’t be happier. Looking forward to meeting the rest of the family soon“.

The amazing revelation came from a simple family photo posted onto a local Kirklees community discussion page.

Julie appealed to the public to see if anyone recognised the family in a photo from the 1960s earlier this month and was overwhelmed with comments with people straight away recognising the Lee family.

This photo was shared on the Kirklees Facebook page and was instantly picked up by a number of residents that recognised the Lee family. / Image: Julie Lund, Facebook

She has since met her father and step-mum for the first time in 58 years and thanked the people of Dewsbury for their ongoing support in this life-changing discovery.

The Facebook group, with over 26,000 members was astonished to hear that one simple post could have had such brilliant results.

“One photograph was all it took. Then things snowballed much faster than anyone could have comprehended. I am so happy for you Julie. I can’t begin to imagine how you must be feeling after all those years of not knowing.”

Their story has since been broadcast on news channels around the world. The father-and-daughter duo plan to meet up regularly as they only live a 60-minute drive away and look forward to spending time together.

Feature Image- Julie Lund, Facebook

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