Final reminder issued to Leeds voters ahead of General Election

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Final reminders have been issued to voters across Leeds ahead of tomorrow’s General Election.

With less than 24 hours to go now until polls up and down the country open for what could be a historic moment in British political history, the 2024 General Election, voters throughout the region are being reminded of voting protocols and what they’ll need to take with them to their allocated polling station tomorrow (4 July).

Councils throughout Leeds are reminding voters of both polling day and postal voting arrangements.

All polling stations across the UK will be open from 7am to 10pm tomorrow.


Under national rules, all voters will have to have approved photo ID, such as UK, EU, or Commonwealth passports, a photocard driving licence, a Voter Authority Certificate, or other specified forms of ID, in order to be able to vote.

Accepted ID can still be used for voting even if it has expired, as long the photo is still a good likeness of the voter, and a full list of accepted ID can be found on the Government‘s website here.

Most polling stations across Leeds will have privacy screens available as standard for anyone who wants to show their ID in private, for whatever reason they may wish to do so.

People who have requested and received postal votes are being encouraged to complete and return them as soon as possible. 


If you are a postal voter, but are unable to post the completed postal ballot yourself, then you should only ask someone you know and trust to post them, as it’s a criminal offence for candidates or political campaigners to handle the postal vote of anyone who is not a close relative, or someone who they provide care for.

Although it may seem a little close to the wire, postal votes can actually still be posted back on polling day itself.

Royal Mail will carry out a final sweep of post boxes and deliver all postal votes to elections staff tomorrow, as long as they are posted before the final collection time for that particular postbox – but if they are posted after the final collection time, they won’t arrive in time to be counted.  

Electors can also hand in completed postal ballots to any polling station in the Leeds area between 9am and 5pm up to and including polling day. 

Anyone handing in a postal ballot pack will be provided with a form which must be completed to ensure the pack is accepted.  

This is likely to be the case for most other Leeds’ surrounding areas too, but voters are advised to check what applies to them in their parliamentary constituency.

Read more: Highly anticipated Live At Kirkstall Abbey series set to kick off this month

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