This West Yorkshire pub has launched an entire crisp butty menu

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A West Yorkshire pub group has launched a heavenly-sounding crisp butty menu, all served on thick white bread with lashings of Lurpak.

The menu is available for one week only at Beerhouses Pubs group, whose closest pubs to Leeds are The Old Turk and West Riding, both in Dewsbury.

With choices like “crinkle-cut classics”, “not crisp butties”, “combo butties”, the menu is split into sections with the main highlight (in our humble opinion) being a seven-course crisp “tasting menu” option.

A traditional crisp butty and a Monster Munch crisp butty form part of the menu / Image: Brewhouse pubs

For the “crinkle cut classics” section, Seabrooks crisps sit front and centre. The menu clearly states: “Seabrooks crisps obviously – in case you were in any doubt. Here, a choice of flavours includes plain, salt and vinegar, cheese and onion or Canadian ham.

A controversial “not crisp butties” section goes down the maize snack route, including iconic childhood favourites like pickled onion Monster Munch, Bacon Fries, Scampi Fries, Wotsits or salt and vinegar Squares.

But the “Combo butties” are really where its at, combining favourite flavours and styles of crisps in one to create flavours like “Surf and Turf” (Scampi and Bacon Fries) and “Mighty Meaty” (Canadian ham Seabrook and Bacon Fries).

The pickled onion Monster Munch butty is a clear favourite at Brewhouse pubs / Image: Brewhouse pubs

Elsewhere, “Cheese and Bacon” combines Bacon Fries with Wotsits, whilst “Double cheese and onion”, filled with Monster Munch, Wotsits and cheese and onion Seabrook crisps, is sure to hit the spot.

If it all goes successfully, the brewery also plans to launch a second menu with Nik Naks, Wheat Crunchies, McCoys, Roysters, Quavers, Onion Rings, Space Raiders, Snyders Jalapeno pretzels and Frisps.

Get down to get yourself a crisp butty at any of Beerhouses Pubs before it’s all over> The menu runs up until 18 June, crisp butty prices start from £2.25.

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