This cocktail bar near Leeds has the most varieties of gin in the world- but not for much longer

The world record holder for the most varieties of gin commercially available are getting rid of their award-winning stock.

There’s over 1000 varieties of gin to choose from.

If Christmas time reminds us of nothing else, it’s the fond memory of pulling out the Guiness World Record books. Many of us would scour the pages for wacky talents and find the ‘world’s longest fingernails’ or obscure hobbies like the ‘largest collection of spoons’.

For cocktail bar and gin shop owner, Shelley Green, it was the gin record that she was interested in. After her son received a Guinness World Records book for his birthday, the mum attempted to beat the records and now houses 1,026 varieties of gin.

The Evil Eye Gin Shop and Cocktail Bar holds a Guinness World Record. / Image: Evil Eye Bar

This has made Evil Eye Lounge in York the location with the most varieties of gin commercially available in the world, and has set the record for others to beat since February 2018.

Behind the gin shop is the Evil Eye cocktail bar, a speakeasy frequented by A-list celebrities and is said to be Johnny Depp’s favourite watering hole. It is this shop-bar combination that has won over a range of clientele for many years, but this quirky hangout space will be seeing some major changes in 2022.

The cocktail bar has a range of quirky drinks available. / Image: Evil Eye Bar

Due to closure of the gin shop in January for maintenance, the gin shop is clearing out its collection- and offering 30% all the gin that’s left in store.

The owners have stated on Instagram:

“That’s right! Big changes are coming in January and with gin becoming old hat, we’re having a clear out and you lot get to benefit!

“All the gin left in our World Record holding gin shop (excluding our own Evil Gin range) is on sale as of Black Friday (26/11/21) and will be until we close for maintenance in January.

“30% off every gin we have left (excluding our own Evil Gin range) and just in time for Christmas shopping.

“No new stock will be coming in, so it’s literally what we have left on our shelves.

“See you over the coming weeks!”

Popular and rare gins are all available. / Image: Evil Eye Bar

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They have since stated that the gin shop will be open everyday to make way for their giant clearance sale. The website shows mostly sold out stock, or states that stock needs checking to update the actual amount available.

To find out what gin is left from the world’s largest collection, you’ll have to head in store to Evil Eye in York. Whatever the future holds for this record holder’s store, it’s expected to continue to be home of the ‘bizarre, weird and wonderful’.

Feature Image- Flickr

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