‘God fearing’ Calderdale library hits back at mystery villager hiding porn on its shelves

Hebden Bridge is going viral on Twitter right now

Hebden Bridge is going viral on Twitter thanks to an image of a note from an outraged villager in one of Todmorden’s little free libraries.

The unsigned note, placed in a box in the village of Cornholme, directs some good old-fashioned Christian fury at donations of what it describes as pornographic ‘filth’.

The indignant villager pulls no punches, and even goes so far as to suggest that anyone who might enjoy the erotic literature should move to neighbouring town Hebden Bridge – scathingly referring to it as a ‘cess pit.’

The note reads: “Whoever is placing the copys of pornographic literature in here, stop!

“Cornholme is a good God fearing Christian village.

“If this filth is to your liking may we suggest you move to the cess pit that is Hebden Bridge.”

It’s not entirely clear whether the anonymous note was intended seriously or not, but we’d like to think it’s a good example of dry West Yorkshire humour.

Twitter users have been quick to pile on, with a mixed bag of reactions so far.

One commented “hope it’s jam packed with old razzle mags tomorrow” whilst another suggested the culprit could actually be “all the housewives trying to dump their ‘Fifty Shades’ trilogies.”

Hebden Bridge councillor John Fenton-Glynn also added to the furore, stating: “I’d like to thank the people of Cornholme for help with our marketing campaign. Please check out our local independent shops! If the Cess gets too much we have a soap shop.”

Whatever your opinion, we have to say that it’s nice to see Hebden trending for something that isn’t flooding for a change.

Featured image – Billy Wilson 

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