Kids in Leeds are covering houses in baked beans in new ‘beaning’ trend

People of Leeds, beware. According to police, young people are buying tins of beans – and they’re not afraid to use them.

We’re spilling the beans on a new trend emerging in Leeds, which has seen some young people swap out eggs for baked beans as part of a new prank. 

According to officers, a new ‘beaning’ trend is emerging in the city – seeing local kids covering people’s houses and cars in baked beans. 

In what some have described as ‘worrying’, some young people have apparently been caught throwing (or in some cases, delicately placing) the bright orange breakfast favourite on top of parked vehicles and local properties.

In response, police officers in Morley have now urged shop workers to be aware of “youths” buying “large quantities of cans of beans.”

They have also told parents to be on the lookout for children “removing cans of beans from the family home.” 

Suffice to say, these kids need to learn to treat people like the human beans they really are.

It’s not just happening in Leeds, either. Further afield, a woman in Cumbria recently returned to her car to find that a can of beans had been gently laid on top of the bonnet in retribution for her supposedly ‘blocking a gate.’

Whilst she was initially upset, with the benefit of Heinz-sight Emma also admitted that she found the beaning funny – despite complaining that it’s “also time I don’t have to waste cleaning them off my car.” 

Emma had left her car in a car park used by BAE Systems employees in Barrow, and came back to find not just beans but also an offensive note stuck to her vehicle

In this case, given the contents of the note, we don’t think that local children can possibly be to blame – suggesting that perhaps the new police warning should also be extended to include irate adults, too. 

The angry note read: “This is not a parking space. People need regular access to these back gates and you’re stopping them!!! There is clearly signs on both gates indicating that access is needed and not to park near them.

“Do this again and we will contact BAE systems HR department and we will also go to the council. 

“If you want a proper car parking space wake up earlier.”

On a serious note, we do realise that, just like ‘egging’, ‘beaning’ is technically an act of vandalism. Still, we can’t help but wonder if it’s all bean blown a bit out of proportion.

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