Leeds named as one of the friendliest places to live in the UK


Gosh, aren’t we lucky?

That’s right folks, our wonderful city of Leeds has recently been named in the top ten friendliest places to live in the UK.

We can’t say we’re surprised, as us Yorkshire folk certainly have a reputation for being a friendly bunch and it’s very nice to be recognised.

The article, written by Rest Less, took into account numerous surveys, reports and reviews to decipher the ten friendliest places to live in the UK.

Leeds canal.
Image: Unsplash

The complimentary piece describes Leeds as “home to people from all walks of life and is considered a hub for creative, hard-working, and positive people”

And we have to say, we absolutely agree.

The article continues: “When it comes to the friendliest UK counties, Yorkshire is definitely a contender, as Leeds is the second city here to regularly be voted one of the country’s friendliest places (Bradford, another Yorkshire town, often appears on these lists too!).

Image: Unsplash

“It’s also frequently cited as one of the best places to live in the UK in terms of cost of living, happiness, and employment.

“Leeds is known for its large student population, which is one of the biggest in Europe – and while many people may not think having 65,000 students enter the city each year is a good thing, locals do. Many believe it adds a unique sense of warmth, energy, diversity, and excitement. Plus, the fact that it’s so beneficial for the economy has a positive knock-on effect for everyone.”

“Leeds is the UK’s second-largest economy after London and has been named the second-best city to start a business in, as well as the UK’s first women-friendly city. When it comes to feeling welcomed, Leeds holds its arms out to everyone.”

We’re not blushing, you are.

Also featured in the list is the nearby city of York, Northern neighbours Manchester and Liverpool as well as Glasgow in Scotland.

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Featured image – Unsplash

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