Leeds TikTok famous sweet store Candy Works turns over £1.4 million in first year

Viral TikTok pick ‘n’ mix videos launched the success of Candy Works, but one year on, the company have had more orders than they could have possibly imagined.
candy works sweets

Candy Works, a pick ‘n’ mix store in Leeds, have just announced a turnover of £1,400,000 during their first year of sales.

Husband and wife duo, Ryan and Sophie Taylor came up with the idea of building their own business whilst out of work over the pandemic period.

Starting with just £400 work of sweets, the couple used TikTok, a relatively new platform at the time, to share their new business venture. It didn’t take long for their videos to pick up traction and their pick ‘n’ mix videos went viral, landing them over 1000 orders overnight.

Working out of their spare bedroom, the couple worked tirelessly to find suppliers and meet the unprecedented demand.

There were what felt like hundreds of pop up sweet shops that started online over lockdown but it was the array of international sweets that Candy Works offers that helped their success.

The company import holiday favourites like Lays crisps and American classics such as Mike & Ike and Chips Ahoy! and sell them as standalone products or as part of their pick ‘n’ mix selection.

Orders are then packaged up and shipped across the world to their customers. Candy Works post addictive ‘#PackAnOrderWithMe’ videos where viewers can see exactly what others are buying.

This series, along with Q&As and ‘Sweet of the Day’ videos make up their daily TikTok content. Due to the incredible following of 1.2 million users, the couple have accumulated 35.4 million likes since the launch of their business, an undeniable factor in their success.

Since their November 2020 launch, they have officially turned over £1,400,000 and employ twelve members of staff to help run Candy Works.

To recognise their efforts, Sophie and Ryan Taylor have won the Lloyds Bank Small Business Award for 2021 and were ranked the third business on TikTok, just behind Tango Ice Blast who have a cult following of 137,700 followers.

Moving forwards, the company plan to expand across the UK and increase the number of staff to keep up with orders.

To check out the latest sweets available from Candy Works, check their TikTok and use their website to place an order.

Feature Image- Candy Works

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