New ‘Living with Covid’ plans to be discussed by senior councillors

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The plans set out to live with Covid-19 are to be discussed by senior councillors after a new report into the pandemic has been published by Leeds City Council.

At a meeting of Leeds City Council’s Executive Board on Wednesday 27 July 2022, plans outlining how Covid-19 will be managed across Leeds in the future will be discussed.

Overall, the discussion is thought to be held around helping the most vulnerable to continue accessing support and protections and ‘encouraging safer behaviours’ within the general public.

Ahead of the discussions, a report entitled ‘Living with Covid- What does ‘Living with Covid’ mean for Leeds’ has been published, which summarises the key points of how Leeds can continue to move forwards with the virus without it having further implications on our livelihood unnecessarily.


The report outlines the importance of vaccinations in Leeds and how the NHS will work to ensure that the ‘Leaving No One Behind’ programme can continue to support the wider community and encourage further vaccine uptake.

The impact of Covid-19 on existing health inequalities has also been highlighted as an area of discussion.

According to the Living with Covid report, working age people living in the 10% most deprived areas were four times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those in the wealthiest 10% and local areas with the highest COVID-19 mortality rates for people under 65 tended to have a lower life expectancy, lower employment rates and more overcrowded housing, deprivation, and child poverty.

During this time, inequalities in Leeds have deepened. The report states that ten years ago, 20% of the Leeds population lived in areas ranking in the 10% most deprived nationally, but now this figure now stands at 26% for the Leeds GP registered, accounting for over a quarter of the population.

The report also acknowledges that there has been a significant impact on mental health throughout the pandemic, stating that “National modelling suggests that there will be an increase in common mental health disorders, grief and trauma. These are directly related to the impact of the pandemic across areas such as financial security, bereavement and community cohesion, along with the ‘threat’ of the virus.”

Image: Twitter (@manairport)

The report also shows that significant progress has been made in encouraging vaccine uptake across Leeds, and whilst looking forward to the “potential for new variants of concerns and surges in cases, the report outlines the work currently underway to prepare for winter, as well as plans to continue community engagement across Leeds to encourage further vaccine uptake.”

Speaking about the upcoming Executive Board meeting, Victoria Eaton, Leeds City Council’s director of public health, commented: “As we move forward and begin to live with Covid-19 it is really important that individuals take personal responsibility for infection prevention, such as ensuring good hygiene practice and ventilation and that people stay at home if have a cough or cold like symptoms.

“Vaccines continue to be our best line of defence against the virus, and it is crucial that everyone in Leeds gets vaccinated, it isn’t too late to get your first dose, these vaccines help to strengthen our protection.”

Image: Christian Emmer via Unsplash

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To read the full report, visit the Leeds Government website.

Feature Image- Unsplash / Manchester Airport

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