After lots of in-depth research, a new study has officially revealed what is claimed to be the “most relaxing song” in the world.
The song, which is titled Weightless by Marconi Union, has been found to reduce blood pressure, slow the heart rate and decrease levels of cortisol, reports The Manc.
The song can even make people feel so relaxed that they become drowsy and can even fall asleep, according to the study by shower gel brand Radox Spa.
And now, they’re warning motorists not to listen to it behind the wheel as it could be dangerous.
Not only that, but the eight-minute piece of music was even found to be more relaxing than heading out for a walk, having a massage, or sipping a cup of tea.
During the research project, a group of participating women were given puzzles to complete in an allotted amount of time in order to increase their stress levels, and then, after completing the puzzles, they were played a number of different songs to essentially calm them down.

While the songs were being played, the participants’ heart rates, blood pressure, and breathing were monitored by scientists.
Once all the research was complete, the study eventually found that ‘Weightless’ was 11% more effective than the other songs – with a reduction in anxiety levels by 65%, and even making some of the participants “drowsy”.
“The results clearly show that the track induced the greatest relaxation,” explained Dr David Lewis-Hodgson, who conducted the research.
“Brain imaging studies have shown that music works at a very deep level within the brain, stimulating not only those regions responsible for processing sound, but also ones associated with emotions, and in fact, Weightless was so effective, many women became drowsy.”
Due to the drowsy nature of the song, Dr Lewis-Hodgson said he would “advise against driving while listening to the song” as he believes it could be “dangerous.”
The reason the song is so relaxing, though, isn’t quite as coincidental as it may initially seem.

The band actually admitted to working with sound therapists on the track, and used pianos, guitars, chimes, and buddhist chants to create the melody.
Speaking on how the song was created, Lyz Cooper – founder of the British Academy of Sound Therapy – added: “The song makes use of many musical principles that have been shown to individually have a calming effect, and by combining these elements in the way Marconi Union have, has created the perfect relaxing song.
“The study found this to be the world’s most relaxing song.”
Ms Cooper explained that the song is so relaxing as it contains a sustaining rhythm that starts at 60 beats per minute and gradually slows to around 50, so while listening to it, your heart rate gradually comes to match that beat – which is known as entrainment.
She also explained that the duration of the song being eight minutes in length is “important” as it generally takes about five minutes for this process to occur.
On top of that, Ms Cooper also added that the songs has no repeating melody throughout, which essentially allows your brain to completely switch off because you are no longer trying to predict what is coming next.
Fancy seeing what the crack is then? You can listen to it here – but just not in the car.
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Featured Image – Fausto Sandoval (via Unsplash)