A tourist in Leeds has had a bit of a shock this week after visiting Kirkstall Abbey to discover it has no roof. Completely outrageous behaviour, we’re sure you’ll agree, from a historic monastery that was destroyed during the reign of Henry VIII.
Writing under the moniker of Tripod, the anonymous tourist complains that having visited Westminster Abbey in London, they found Kirkstall a “disappointment” and that they would return “another time and hope they’ve finished it.”
They also shared their dismay that it had been left open to the elements for years – adding it was unfit for any monk to live, even one with “Bear Grylls-style survival skills.”
Then they finished by throwing shade at Leeds City Council for slacking on the upkeep. Because clearly, that is the problem here.

An amused team at the Abey replied, delivering an impromptu history lesson to reviewer ‘Tripod’.
Elaine F, General Manager at Kirkstall Abbey, wrote: “You are indeed correct when you say it is a ruin. It is also a Scheduled Ancient Monument.
“The abbey was begun in 1152 and by 1182 the greatest of the buildings still standing today had been built, such as the church and chapterhouse.
“In 1534, Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII Head of the Church of England.
“Henry chose to abolish all religious houses in England because of their connection to the Catholic Church and their allegiance to the Pope. These events later became known as the ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’.
“On 22 November 1539 the king’s agents entered the abbey’s chapterhouse, where, in the presence of all the monks, Abbot John Ripley signed the deed of surrender.138329043104
“With the monks gone the abbey grounds were sold and many of the stones used to build the abbey were recycled for other local building projects.
“We may not have a roof but we think we’re the loveliest abbey ruins around! Best wishes from the team at Kirkstall Abbey..”
Feature image – Tim Green