Leeds’ School of Rock are releasing songs with the Hallé about climate change

LS18 Rocks and the Hallé Orchestra have collaborated on three songs together and plan to release their music after their successful performance at Leeds Town Hall.

LS18 Rocks and the Hallé Orchestra plan to release three climate protest songs after their performance at Leeds Town Hall.

Earlier this week, the Leeds equivalent to the School of Rock, LS18 Rocks, performed with the renowned Hallé Orchestra and plan to record and release their music for all to listen to.

The songs were performed in the Albert Room at Leeds Town Hall on the Saturday 23 October and were inspired by travel across the Pennines.

The Horsforth music school played alongside the famous Hallé Orchestra, effortlessly merging classical instruments like the flute and trumpet with heavy rock instruments.

LS18 Rocks is a real life School of Rock based in Horsforth. / Image- LS18 Rocks

Think electric guitars, bass and keyboards with ranging vocals amplifying their important message about cutting greenhouse gases and carbon emissions.

Musical Director Jonnie Khan of LS18 Rocks described the experience as a “totally inspirational experience” and commented on the positive impact the collaboration had on the students.

“It has been wonderful to see how the two genres have been able to blend”.

Urgency, a poster from the Horsforth band. / Image: LS18 Rocks

The musical collaboration came after the by internationally-known 2020 Christmas song from LS18 band, entitled Virtual Hugs.

The festive song was a tribute to the young people’s grandparents and produced a very timely and humbling musical experience for all that had the chance to listen.

Virtual Hugs was picked up by press around the world and afterwards LS18 were able to resume work on their climate change project entitled Up In Flames, which the Hallé were part of.

Recognising the importance of climate change for younger generations, the well-resourced music school gave their students a chance to express themselves and spread an important message through song.

Neither party in the collaboration have announced a release date for their music but we can’t wait to listen to their songs about climate change soon.

Feature Image- LS18 Rocks

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