This dream job pays you to eat breakfasts across Leeds

Applicants can be accepted from any location in the country to bag this dream job. 

The other week, I was eating a fry up in town when a waiter came up to me and asked how I was finding it. I said it was great but that I wished I could be paid to eat it instead of having to pay other people. The waiter stood there in silence.

I said my rate would be £250 per breakfast. And on top of that I’d get travel expenses paid for. The waiter raised an eyebrow and asked me politely to leave and never come back. 

That didn’t happen, obviously, but the idea of being paid quarter of a grand to try breakfasts will actually become a reality for one lucky punter.

Full English Breakfast | Awesome on 20

MyJobQuote are on the lookout for a professional breakfast tester across Leeds.

Applicants can be accepted from any location in the country to bag this dream job. 

Successful candidates will need to judge the breakfasts on the following:

  • How appetising is the appearance
  • Breakfast item ratio
  • Quality of produce and cookery
  • The overall taste
  • Value for money

The winner will receive £250 payment per task as well as local travel and food expenses paid by the employer. 

The entry dates are from 9am Thursday the 23rd of July to 9pm on Tuesday 31st of August 2021.

The winner will be contacted personally via MyJobQuote by email or on social media.

The competition is open to residents from the UK aged eighteen years or over.

Fancy applying? Course you do. Click here.

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