Vandals have covered a Captain Sir Tom Moore memorial in graffiti

“I touched it with my hand thinking it was something that would just wipe off, and it was spray paint.

Vandals have covered a memorial dedicated to Yorkshire hero Captain Sir Tom Moore in graffiti, leaving one resident so upset he was ‘nearly physically sick’.

The man, who found the artwork daubed in hastily sprayed graffiti spelling out ‘IRA’ in white paint, had to get. a bin bag to cover the sculpture up as he ‘couldn’t leave him like that’.

The vandalised artwork is located in Thistley Meadow in Hatton, Derbyshire.

The incident has left locals in complete shock and disbelief that someone would attack a war memorial dedicated to people who had lost their lives fighting for others’ freedoms.

Reacting to the vandalism, Chairman of the Dove Valley Community Project Anthony Ball said told Derbyshire Live: “What I don’t understand is that you’ve got a small memorial remembering those who lost their lives, and a Tommy [from the Royal British Legion].

“Why did they spray Captain Tom? What has he got to do with the IRA?

He added, “I was nearly physically sick when I saw it.”

“Every day I do my walk, I walked around the corner, and I looked at it and was nearly physically sick.

“I touched it with my hand thinking it was something that would just wipe off, and it was spray paint.

“I could almost understand if someone sprayed a war memorial or a soldier, but not Captain Tom walking down the street.

“I had to get a bin bag and put it over Captain Tom, I couldn’t leave him like that.”

The memorial has since been repaired free of charge by Austin Cox, who owns the engineering firm that installed it in the first place.

Captin Tom Moore stole the heart of the nation when he decided to walk 100 laps of his garden in Bedfordshire during the first Covid-19 lockdown in 2020 before reaching his 100th birthday.

His efforts went viral, raising nearly £33m for NHS charities. At the time, much publicity was given to the shortages of PPE equipment in the NHS and a general need to ventilators and other medical equipment.

The cenetenarian passed away from Covid-19 and pneumonia in hospital after contracting the disease following a holiday to Barbados.

Feature image – Twitter (@captaintommoore)

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