After two long years of celebrating St Patrick’s Day behind closed doors, the parade will commence once more in Leeds city cente.
St Patrick’s Day isn’t until the 18th, but the annual parade is due to take place on Sunday 13 March this year from 10am until 4pm.
The previous two St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Leeds were cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, making this the first parade since 2019 to take place in Leeds.
The parade will bring together floats, bands, walking displays, and representatives from Irish organisations, schools, clubs and societies from across Leeds- making it one of those rare family days out that everyone of all ages can find something that they enjoy.

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Whether its Tommy K the DJ spinning the decks, watching the Leeds Irish Choir, Leeds CCE, or wondering at the dances from Rowland Academy of Irish Dancing, Joyce O Donnell Irish Dancing and Leeds University Union Irish Dancing Society- there’s more than just the parade to enjoy this year.
The walking route will start as normal from Millennium Square at 11am, but the difference this year is that the floats will be situated on the lower part Great George Street. This is noted to be mainly due to the ongoing works on Cookridge Street so plans have been changed slightly.

Once all the walkers and pipe bands have entered onto Great George Street and follow the route noted on the map above. The floats will then follow after everyone has past.
Everyone in Leeds is welcome to join in with the parade and head through Leeds city centre before reaching the party on Millennium Square. Once the parade has finished, there will be a full afternoon of music and dance from Leeds musicians, dancers and invited guests.

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Guinness isn’t mandatory but widely encouraged- so grab yourself a pint and celebrate.
The Leeds Going Irish Facebook page has spoken out about the event, stating:
“Just to confirm The Leeds St Patricks Day Parade has been agreed with Leeds City Council and will be going ahead on Sunday 13th March 2022 at Millennium Square.
“This is going to be the biggest gathering since the end of lockdown in Leeds, let’s send the message out”.
For more information, visit the The Leeds Going Irish Facebook page.
Feature Image- Tom Blackwell, Flickr