60% of Brits apparently find Valentine’s Day to be the ‘most stressful’ day of the year

Can you blame them?

A new study has revealed that 60% of Brits think Valentine’s Day is the “most stressful” day of the whole year.

To be fair, they’ve got a point.

In case you need a little reminder, the most romantic day of them all – also known as Valentine’s Day – is today, and if the findings of some new research by popular chewing gum, Extra, is anything to go by, then that spells stress for more than half of the British population.

Many lucky – or unlucky – lovers have a story to tell about a time the big V Day has crept up on them, and so they have resorted to spending either the day before or the day itself running around as quick as they can trying to grab gifts and make last-minute plans in a bid to pass it off like they haven’t forgotten all about it.

Situations like this are probably why more than half (60%) of us consider Valentine’s Day to be such as stressful day, and even when we do remember, it can still be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. 

Valentine’s Day is among the top 10 times of year when people experience so-called ‘microstresses’, according to Extra’s research results – with one in eight (13%) feeling even more stressed around the day than at Christmas. 

A quarter (24%) of survey respondents said they found that the pressure to have plans or a date on Valentine’s Day was the cause of their microstresses, whilst almost a fifth (17%) put it down to struggling to know what to buy their partner to celebrate. 

‘Microstresses’ may feel harmless in the moment – but, just as a recent study in the Harvard Business Review has found, they can slowly build up over time and create more long-term issues for an individuals’ wellbeing. 

Apparently, the study found that one of the best ways to combat such microstresses is by taking time to “invest in close relationships” and take part in activities that “help to keep stresses at bay”.

So, what’s your thoughts on all this then? Is Valentine’s Day a cause of stress for you? Or do you see it as a walk in the park?

Read more: Heinz and Cathedral City have teamed up to launch Cheesy Beanz in the UK

Featured Image – Andres Ayrton (via Pexels)

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