Northern Rail blocks access to dating apps and websites on-board trains

There’s a time and a place… and it seems like a train isn’t it.

Access to dating apps and websites is now blocked on-board trains travelling across the north, it has been revealed.

Northern says there’s “good reason” for taking this decision.

This is because the WiFi provided by the train operator on-board its services travelling across the north of England is delivered under the ‘Friendly WiFi’ scheme, which blocks access to certain categories of content – including those associated with dating.

Websites and apps related to video streaming, gambling, alcohol, adult content, pornography, and nudity are also blocked.

Northern has blocked access to dating apps and websites on-board its trains / Credit: Northern

The company says ‘Friendly WiFi’ – which it has been signed up to since 2017 – ensures its on-board internet service meets “minimum filtering standards” given the fact that children could be present around passengers at all times.

The decision to ban dating apps and websites comes after Northern also urged passengers to stop viewing content that’s “not suitable for work” on its trains and stations in Leeds and beyond, and pleaded for them to “wait until you get home” instead.

Content that Northern considers ‘NSFW’ can range from inappropriate jokes and bad language, right through to offensive topics and explicit material.

The train operator has explained the “good reason” for its decision / Credit: Northern

Northern’s Chief Operating Officer, Matt Rice, said access to “safe and reliable” internet is part of passengers’ expectations.

“Whilst some dating websites and users will operate with appropriate levels of self-moderation, some might not and it’s important that content not suitable for everyone to see or hear, particularly children, isn’t viewed on our trains,” Mr Rice explained.

“It’s simply about ensuring that there is sufficient bandwidth for all our customers to use while they’re on the go.

“This on-board dating app embargo aside, we do wish our single customers all the best in their search for their perfect partner.”

Read more: People from Yorkshire who are good at lying wanted for the next series of The Traitors

Featured Image – Northern

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