Yorkshire lads cycling from Harrogate to Monaco to raise money for charity

An amazing challenge for a very worthy cause.

On Friday 27 May 2022, four friends from Yorkshire are cycling the distance from Harrogate to Monaco to raise money in memory of their loved ones.

Whilst drivers are preparing for what is widely considered the most prestigious race in the Formula 1 season, the Monaco Grand Prix; Ollie Ward, Joe Braham, Henry Bartle and Jeremy Butterfield are gearing up for their own event this weekend.

They are attempting to cycle 1573km in 24 hours from Harrogate to Monaco, raising money for two charities in memory of two loved ones who were both massive fans of F1.

The cyclists have even received a good luck message from England football manager, Gareth Southgate.


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In April of 2020, their beloved friend James Hindmarsh was devastatingly diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma (ARMS). The following year saw months of gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment, James fought hard but sadly lost his battle in 2021.

The fundraising started here with his friends raising money to pay for his private treatment which they instead decided to donate to Sarcoma UK, a bone and soft tissue cancer charity. Just weeks later in May last year, Henry, Ollie and Jeremy ran three marathons in three days whilst Joe, who lives in Switzerland, embarked on his own challenge to raise money, a ski tour from Verbier to Mount Fort.

This year, half of the money raised will be donated to Leeds Hospitals Charity, who will allocate it to Leeds Cancer Centre; a centre very close to James’ heart. Jeremy says “The money raised will go towards support and help for others fighting the same fight our best mate did so bravely.”

Joe Braham before his ski tour from Verbier to Mount Fort.
Image: Joe Braham

Read more: Mayor confirms free buses across West Yorkshire on Jubilee Sunday.

The other half of the money will be donated to The David Brown Foundation in memory of Ollie’s Uncle. A thoughtful, caring and kind man who devastatingly lost his battle to Covid-19 in December 2021. David gave his life to others by supporting children’s education in the UK and helping students across the district to reach their full potential, and the boys will be following in his footsteps.

As well as Formula 1 both James and David were huge football fans and ahead of the challenge the team received a good luck message from England football manager Gareth Southgate, praising their bravery, courage and urging others to donate all they can.

The boys say “Both James and Dave never gave up in their fights and we will continue their legacies to help others fight the challenges they are facing. Every cycle of the bike erg they will both be with us, probably with a wry smile and a Peroni in hand. They are forever in our hearts.”

To donate, visit the Just Giving page, ‘Do it 4 James and Dave’.

Feature image: Jeremy Butterfield.

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