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1029 posts
Landlords will no longer be able to stop tenants from having pets in Leeds
Landlords will also be outlawed from banning children and people on benefits
People warned to ‘stop and think’ when shopping for flat-faced dogs like pugs and bulldogs
There are warnings that urgent action is needed to protect the health of dogs like English bulldogs and…
Debate rages as ‘giant willy’ wood carving appears in West Yorkshire park
People have been arguing about a sculpture that’s been… ahem… erected in a West Yorkshire park. The woodland…
Leeds to bathe in ‘well above average’ temperatures this week – but the pollen count is spiking too
Summer will finally reach Leeds this week, with temperatures forecasted to soar on Friday. The Met Office says…
Dragons’ Den star Hilary Devey has died at 65 – and tributes are pouring in
The death of former Dragons’ Den star Hilary Devey has triggered a wave of tributes, honouring the ‘inspiration’…
13th June 2022
Smoking in beer gardens could be banned in the UK under new proposals
A plan commissioned by the government has suggested barring smokers from beer gardens could go some way to encouraging people to stop altogether.
10th June 2022
Our Yorkshire Farm’s Amanda Owen announces split from husband after 22 years 
Yorkshire shepherdess Amanda Owen of Our Yorkshire Farm fame has announced she and her husband Clive have split…
Government advised to raise legal age for cigarettes year on year
It’s part of a review that aims to launch England into its “smoke free” future by the goal of 2030.
9th June 2022
Grandma whose fry up went viral on Rate My Takeaway opens a cafe
A northern grandma whose fry-up takeaway went viral after Leeds lad Danny Malin of Rate My Takeaway fame…
This company will pay you to watch Love Island from your bed
The perfect job doesn't exis-
8th June 2022